My career plan- who do I want to be when I graduate (Section 3)

I. New skills to learn:

In order to achieve what I have as a goal in my mind, I need to develop research skills, the ability to understand things exactly how they are and not to distort the information given to me. What is more, I would need to enhance my creativity thinking, so I can bear with the time pressure. I may often have to come up with ideas fast to keep my business active. And I have to learn to adapt to different circumstances quickly and get used to both approval and harsh criticism, both success and failure.

II. My media diet:

I have to examine carefully how topics like fashion, arts, astrology are covered in other media outlets, because I want to become an expert in these categories. Of course I will not stop looking at recent news and exploring issues that concern contemporary society, but I will focus my attention on magazines like Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Elle, Apollo, The Sunday Times, ES, Grazia, Aesthetica. I will also listen to the radio and a variety of podcasts, like GrownUpLand, These things shall pass: delusions and how to survive them , Friday Night Comedy from BBC Radio 4 , Fortunately… with Fi and Jane , The Chris Evans’ Breakfast Show , Drama of the Week , Evil Genius with Russell Kane , Time Travellers , Late Night Woman’s Hour.

TV programmes like BBC, SkyNews, ITV, would also be helpful with expanding my general knowledge.

Bloggers I should keep up with include Felix Salmon, Adam Tinworth, David Higgerson, Mary Hamilton and Many Jenkins.

Twitter accounts that are worth following are: Matt Thompson, Andrew Sullivan , Claire Lehmann , Jason Willick and Stoycho Kerev.


III. What optional modules I chose/ am about to choose:

I picked up Polylang (Russian) as an optional module in Year 1, and I will definitely do it again in Year 2, because apart from journalism, I have another passion- astrology, and I am planning to enrol on an astrology course in Russia. I am planning to do Fashion Journalism as my second optional module in Year 2. I will select Dissertation and Performing Arts Journalism in Year 3. I love and I am used to writing a lot, so 8000 words would not be that big problem. And there is an unconditional love between me and the theatre ever since I was a child and I think I will have a lot of fun during last year of my BA degree. By doing all these modules, I will combine everything that I like in my monthly piece of paper, which does not have a name yet, but I will come up with it soon.

IV. Work placements that would be helpful:

Grazia Magazine Editorial – contact

Fashion Journalism Work Placement –

Fashion Editorial Work Experience –  Magazine:

My career plan- who do I want to be when I graduate (Section 2)

I. What kind of journalist do I want to be? 

I would prefer to be a freelance writer and write about the things I like rather than be under the control of a boss. What is more, I really cannot imagine myself like a reporter, who goes out and gets the stories. I would fit more as a magazine editor, because I am good at making stories shine in a new way. That does not mean that I will not meet people and create my own articles; I just want to have the option to choose who these people will be. I do not mind interacting with people from all walks of lives: from ordinary people to celebrities and experts, depending on the topic I am writing about. However, most of the time I would prefer to stay in my well-equipped chaotic office, filled with books, newspapers, magazines and expensive paintings on the wall. There I will be with my own thoughts, as working with other people at the same room could damage my concentration and inspiration.

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I want to work in the entertainment sphere, because there is too much seriousness in the world, which I cannot fix, but maybe make sure that people have fun despite this.  Meanwhile, I could have another profession, either being a tutor at university or a motivational speaker in Mindvalley or TED. I have the ability to motivate, explain things simply and clearly and it makes me feel happy when I help others find their own path to success.

II. In which type of journalist do I fit? Using Matt Thompson’s Four Types of Journalists, I would say that I belong to two categories: The Provocateur and The Storyteller. It usually happens to me to discover something new in what is already known, or to present it in an innovative way, to refresh what the public thinks of it. I do not aim at finding scoops, but looking at something through a different angle. I like to take my time and examine things carefully before publishing something. The same thing applies to when I tell others’ stories. I get really inspired when I have intellectual discussions with various individuals, but then I need to be on my own to produce a masterpiece. I believe that the more people you meet, the more chances you have to find an extraordinary talent in them and expose it to your audience, when given the consent to do so. Read more about as which types of journalists I define myself with and another journalist who inspires me- Karbovski, HERE.

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